We get together as a shire for a variety of purposes, both serious and fun:
Populace Meetings
We meet once a month, typically on the fourth Sunday at 4PM. The location may change but our calendar has the locations. We have provided directions to our most common meeting places on our Directions page.
We welcome any and all who would like to learn more about the SCA and the Shire of Rokeclif at these meetings. For more information about our next meeting, check our local calendar or check our Facebook page.
No reservation is needed, but if you would like to talk to someone in advance and get directions, contact any Shire officer.
Practices and Work Sessions (a.k.a. “moots”)
Research Night have been on hold since the plague began. This is an opportunity to learn more about the middle ages, in preparation for the making of projects, garb, period food, period fighting… whatever we are interested in. Frequently we bring our own librarian. Horrible Histories are an important part of the evening, as is food.
We also meet to present demonstrations, or demos, for schools, community groups, and special events. If you are interested in having us come to your event/organization/school for a demo, please contact any officer. We are always grateful to have out-of-Shire SCA folk help out at demos, but please contact us in advance, so we can look for you at the site.
SCA Events
We also have a presence at most of the events in our immediate region. Be sure and check our local calendar and the Kingdom of Northshield Events Calendar for more fun things in our region that you might like to attend. SCA Events generally require a “site fee” and clothing appropriate to a person living before 1600. Contact any officer if you need more information about an event, or a ride.